Experience Representing Clients
Charged With Crimes
Mielnicki & Stiffler, LLC has represented hundreds of clients charged with Simple Assault and Aggravated Assault. Simple Assault charges are misdemeanors and are usually filed where the victim sustains a less than severe injury. Aggravated Assault charges are felonies and are brought when the victim sustains a severe injury, where there is intent to cause a severe injury or where the victim is a protected person such as a police officer.
Assault, whether Simple Assault or Aggravated Assault, is a serious criminal charge. Aggravated Assault is a felony, and where serious bodily injury occurs or is intended, is a felony of the first degree.
Do not face these serious charges alone. At Mielnicki & Stiffler, LLC we have represented hundreds of clients charged with assault. Mielnicki & Stiffler, LLC has handled the following types of assault charges:
To speak with an attorney committed to providing you with the best possible defense, for a reasonable fee, contact Mielnicki & Stiffler, LLC at (412) 330-1000.